About KogoGarage

Founded in 2024 by Nathaniel "Kneight" Reinagel, KogoGarage is a one man stop for tech solutions. The best solutions are the simplest, and the best life is found in simplicity. I keep overhead low, and clients just pay for my time/materials.

"Kneight you're a genius!" - Satisfied Client

I have a long history of programming. It starting with hacking games before the internet and learning it's all just information. In high school I saw the source code for a terrible RPG on a Ti-83 Graphics calculator and said "I can do better!" I then taught myself programming on my Ti-86 and ignored most classes, absorbed in my creative endeavor. As high school didn't offer any programming courses at the time I dropped out and went to a tech school early, graduating with a B.S. in Video Game Development at age 20. I didn't find anywhere in the field that I both wanted to work and would take me, and just worked jobs for bills while piecing together other game ideas in my free time.

The dream was put on hold for awhile as I entered web development, and for 10 years I've been working mostly on the Magento platform, with Yii/Yii2 and Wordpress worked in occasionally. Any task related to helping the clients with eCommerce I would take on: Tuning servers, speeding up their site, security, implementing APIs, migrations, auto-scaling infrastructures, SEO, instructing in use to make it do what was desired, and adding miscellaneous custom functionalities.

While I still offer those services to worthy clients and causes, my focus now has turned back towards using video games as a medium for memorable stories and fun.

Why "KogoGarage"?

I grew up around computers (not consoles) and learned DOS almost before learning to spell my name. Rumors from my mother are that Monkey Island is what taught me to read.

Also with a love of nature, observing and discovering how the world works. The incredible engineering that has gone on to combine energy and matter, building up to atoms, and molecules, cells, tissues, organisms, ecosystems, and encompassing the whole cosmos. I could be a part of that, with code creating complex and useful beauty with just my words.

Online I am known most often as Kogogarog, or just Kogo. Naturally combining these loves of nature and programming into an office-garage with a giant fresh-air window to watch God's creation while working on mine would be an enviable achievement.